Get Up Girl Astrologer Phyllis Frank- Mitz keeps us updated on what is happening in the stars. Looks like a fruitful month for most of us, check out your sign below...
Between now and July 13th unique astrological energies will help reveal whether something we’ve been hoping for, dreaming of can come to fruition. Finances, values/and or resources are at the root of this decision. Is there enough (of something) to see our goals through? Do others value what we have to offer?
For some people the answer to these questions is “Yes!” They’ll be challenged to tackle the practical nuts and bolts of securing success.
But July 1st-13th can also be a time when many become “disillusioned” about someone or something.
* Some may realize they’ve been banking on something elusive. They may need to start again with a new strategy.
* Conflicts between personal things like money, values, security with social issues such as friends, groups, or even nations are likely.
* We could realize we’ve held false beliefs or expectations about ourselves or others
If you are disillusioned, welcome the clarity. Use conflicts to establish new priorities rather than bulldoze something or someone of value out of your life.
Forgiveness can work wonders now.
* Take others off the hook of any expectations you’ve been holding them to. Can you live with what they do offer?
* Avoid temptations to act with stubborn “my way or the highway” resistance or righteous intolerance. Such stances could push matters to premature or unpleasant (or both!) endings.
* Evaluate if your loyalties are correctly placed. Allow yourself to step away from commitments that aren’t right for you.
* Apply heart-centered problem solving
Give others plenty of space to change their minds and course as well. Many will be experiencing surprising shifts in areas of their lives. They may not be able to follow through on agreements - or want to.
Each of us will experience this year’s astrological energies uniquely.
Here’s where your Sun Sign may experience the challenge of blending practical concerns with inspired ideals. These areas might be tested to insure you have the resources and the genuine agreements to succeed. Check things out to insure you and others are seeing clearly. Be flexible.
Aries: Finances/Values and Friendships/Groups.
Taurus: YOU!! Your Body, Appearance and Self-Image and Career/Reputation
Gemini: Beliefs and Philosophy/Spiritual Ideals
Cancer: Friends/Associates and Sex, Money, Other People’s Crises
Leo: Career/ Authority and Partnerships/Relationships
Virgo: Travel, Education, and Legal Matters and Health, Work
Libra: Sex, Money, Transitions, and Love Affairs, Children
Scorpio: Partnerships, Relationships and Home/Family
Sagittarius: Work, Health and Communication/ Travel/ Siblings
Capricorn: Love Life!! Kids and Finances
Aquarius: YOU!! Your relationships and Home, Family matters
Pisces: Communication, Travel, Siblings and Beliefs/ Behind the Scenes activities
Love, Your Astrologer Phyllis Firak-Mitz
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