A whole new area of your life can come alive now that Jupiter, the planet of fortune has entered Pisces. Jupiter’s trip through this sensitive sign can make us more romantic, intuitive and creative. The area of your life ruled by Pisces can be especially rewarding and exciting this 2010.
How Jupiter in Pisces will affect your Sun Sign is listed below.
Pisces has an exceptionally strong vibration of spirituality and compassion. Jupiter’s transit through can enhance your awareness of your spiritual path. Importantly, since Pisces also resonates with the redemptive power of forgiveness, sacrifice and service, 2010 could be a year when you heighten your connections with others via compassion, love and/or service.
Let your inner mystic, artist, and healer soar! But remain discerning as Jupiter can also intensify Pisces’ tendency towards gullibility and duplicity. It’s a good idea to insure you aren’t being so wooed by an image of success that you forget to check to see if it’s actually happening.
And, since Pisces resonates with suffering, this could be a year when our awareness of suffering is multiplied. Many of you will reach out to give to others and be completely lifted and transformed as a result. Many others will be lifted and transformed by receiving unexpected assistance. The challenge is to take care of yourself so you can assist others in a way that is healthy for you.
Of course Jupiter means that most Pisces, (and Pisces Risings and Pisces Moons) will have a remarkable (and surprising!) year. Jupiter is famous for bringing lucky, heady, promoting experiences. Plan on amazing relationships, travel, education, and even material gain this 2010. Life can seem more alive and meaningful for you Pisces, if not out and out fabulous.
Scorpios and Cancers – you’ll also be quite blessed by Jupiter in Pisces. You’ll enjoy outstanding opportunities, magnetic confidence, and positive focus. Go for it Scorpios and Cancers: It’s time to expand something important in your life. Rewards are coming. Let your talents and charisma shine!
Tauruses and Capricorns – You will also benefit from Jupiter in Pisces. New opportunities to enhance your security, improve your environment, to communicate effectively and to connect with inspiring people can cycle through all 2010. Use Jupiter’s expansive energy to make some headway in something truly meaningful.
Virgos, Geminis and Sagittarius: Get on your running shoes! Life is going to be busy and big this year…but might be so in a way that forces you to grow. In other words, activities this year might keep you out of your comfort zone. …so don’t bother looking for it. Life might deliver surprises that spark your stretching from one end of the earth to the next to handle all that’s erupting. You’ll certainly enjoy opportunities but they might all happen at once!
Aquarians might see dramatic shifts in their finances and/or definition of security.
Aries: It’s a terrific year for understanding and healing yourself. Jupiter in Pisces heightens your spirituality, intuition and ability to tap into your deeper motivations. You may gain the satisfaction of completing something you began around 11 years ago this 2010. Unfinished business with someone or something could resolve in 2010.
Here’s where your Sun Sign might experience Jupiter in Pisces’ Romantic, Mystical, Magical, and Creative Enhancement. (Just don’t go overboard!)
Aries: Your expansion is in Spiritual/Psychological areas: Awakened dreams, enjoyable solitude, satisfying spiritual experiences. More Service, Sacred Sacrifice.
Taurus: Jupiter will help expand you through intriguing Friendships, Helpful Groups and Organizations. It can help you succeed in achieving Goals. Importantly, Taurus, Jupiter can help you Receive Love!
Gemini: Growth in your Career, (likely very Positive), your Status in your community. More Authority and Leadership opportunities.
Cancer: Time to Travel, learn something inspiring, write that book, or otherwise reach out to mind and consciousness-expanding endeavors.
Leo: You may benefit by other people’s transitions this year. Your sexuality can be heightened as well as you ability to attract other people’s money. Inheritances, taxes, insurance can be a focus.
Virgo: Jupiter is all about Relationships for you: it can enhance your Partnerships, awaken your Marriage, and basically bring Impressive People into your innermost circle. Relationships are far from hum-drum this year – if something isn’t right, it’ll change.
Libra: Jupiter might bring you more of the Work you Enjoy, Good Help, and Positive focus on health matters.
Scorpio: Jupiter brings delicious oomph into your Love Life: more love affairs, children, grandchildren, creative projects are likely. Want more attention? Go for it this year. All in all, it’s a year when self-expression and Love can go quite well.
Sagittarius: Jupiter expands your home or family in some ways. This might mean an addition to your family, a move, a remodel or simply more people coming through your doorway.
Capricorn: Jupiter’s expansive energies can help bring lucrative contracts, a positive environment, and trips that satisfy. It’s also a good year for communication and education.
Aquarius: Jupiter in Pisces can bring expansive action to your finances, your self-value and sense of security.
Pisces: Yipeee!!! Jupiter in your sign can bring you love, money, spiritual awakening, fun, a knowledge, new (foreign?) friends and/or countless other uplifting experiences. (depending on your unique karma.) Invest in what really means something to you (versus lingering what’s easiest.) In that way you’ll make the best use of Jupiter’s gift.
Each of you will receive the Jupiter’s Fortune uniquely according to your own Birth Chart. Phyllis would love to share with you where and how to use this rare energy of luck and inspiration. You can call 303-730-6680 to arrange your personal consultation. Or contact her at www.astrologerphyllis.com