Our favorite Get Up Girl Astrologer and Author of You're Every Sign, Phyllis Firak-Mitz shares with us about some major astrological changes coming our way.
Buckle your seat belts! Some of the most active astrological energies of the year – if not the decade – are happening between now and August 7th. Many of us could alter our life’s course, shake up our relationships, or do other significant acts…all to become in better harmony with new perspectives we are gaining. Some of us are finally realizing long-pursued dreams. Others are deciding to start over in a new direction all together. Many can be doing both!
Truth is, the astrological energies are so unusual it’s very hard to know exactly what to expect. We’ve never experienced this particular complex of astrological energies. It’s new territory – both in our own consciousnesses as well as in world events.
The intensity of these constellations do signal quick, “Out with the old, In with the new” experiences are likely. Life could flip-flop: Some might find the rug gets pulled out from under them only to discover a better choice can be made. That’s because these alignments can help us jump out of what won’t work into new goals, strategies and options that will.
For those who like the Astrological Details, Here’s a brief rundown of what’s energizing us:
Jupiter and Uranus in Aries are initiating preliminary growth spurts to our Aries areas. These planets combine to awaken our trail blazing, “I can do this my own way!” innovative energies. Opportunities that started stirring this summer could gusher growth (and bring surprising change) in 2011.
Saturn and Mars in Libra are initiating restructuring in our Relationships and areas of our lives ruled by Libra. The picture is changing there. New responsibilities are forming. Often, Saturn in Libra means that working in harmony with others is a mandatory for worldly success. Some may experience a push-pull between the “I’ve got to be alone and do it my way” Aries energies and the “I want be with others and do what pleases them” Libra energies.
Try thinking outside the box to invent new ways to satisfy both your personal calling as well as your love and responsibilities to others. Remember: Others may be needing a change as much as you do.
Meanwhile, Pluto in Capricorn is urging us to look very deeply at our use of power and authority – with ourselves and with others. Specifically, if we are misusing, including under-using, our power or authority in any way, Pluto will make us undeniably aware of it.
Pluto is an incredible tutor for Authentic Power. Time and again, it’ll show us that Going for the Highest Good of All Concerned is an extremely effective way to channel the “Force” and experience transcendent empowerment.
Now through August 7th can be particularly revealing. We may discover something operating behind the scenes that has been influencing our consciousness, lives and/or relationships. If something bugs you, remember Forgiveness can lead to Healing and Liberation. Forgiveness can also allow that higher perspective you’ve been working towards to take hold.
The emotional Moon in Cancer August 7th and 8th can bring an additional, family interest into this mix. Whew! That’s a lot!!
The Bottom Line: Get ready to move to the next step life is taking you to. Let yourself “see” yourself and your life differently. Remember to look for the Blessings, which undoubtedly are there.
To contact Phyllis for a personal consultation, call 303-730-6680. Or go to www.astrologerphyllis to learn more.
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