photograph courtesy of Lev Vertov
The first time you tried something new, was it comfortable or uncomfortable? Most would say uncomfortable. What happened after you did it a few times? Did it became more and more comfortable? As we grow, we expand our comfort zone. The only time we are actually growing is when we are uncomfortable.
I am constantly inspired by my mother. At 60 years old, she is embarking on a new career as a yoga instructor. She has accomplished a lot in her lifetime (including raising 4 children) and reinvented herself a few times over the years. I was surprised to see her experiencing self-doubt during her final Phoenix Rising yoga exam. At one point she even said, "I am afraid that I am not good enough." In that moment, I felt very connected to my mother's anxiety. Even she felt uncomfortable moving into a new role. She then said, “Well, I guess that means that I am growing.”
Ask yourself: Where am I feeling comfortable? Do I feel anxiety about trying something new? Am I playing too safe? How can I push myself to expand my comfort zone? When feeling anxious, remind yourself that you are exactly where you want to be, growing.
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What a great post. And such a great reminder... when you experience anxiety and fear you are expanding.
Your mom sounds brave and fantastic! What a wonderful role model.
I, too, am getting better at identifying fear and anxiety as growth.
Love your comment Laurie!
I once heard that anxiety and excitement are opposite sides of the same coin. I try to remind myself that every time I feel anxious I am also excited.
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