This week in our women’s Get Up Girl Coaching Group we explored how we can take better care of ourselves. We use the term Extreme Self-Care to describe nurturing ourselves in ways that really honors us as women on all levels, – Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.
To clarify a supportive Extreme Self-Care routine, we have the women ask themselves these 3 questions:
1. What are some of the ways I can take better care of myself?
2. What gets in the way of taking good care of myself?
3. What can I incorporate into my weekly routine this week?
During my afternoon walk I thought about these questions again and realized the value of asking them on a regular basis. My life is changing all the time, with new projects, situations, commitments, and what works for me one week, may not the next. When I make the time to re-evaluate what will work for me each week, sometimes daily, I can be flexible with how I fit in the things that support me. Wow, three days of late nights, take-out food and caffeine, I better make some changes in my diet and bedtime or I may be headed for burnout.
Take some time this week to ask yourself the Extreme Self-Care questions above. You can also try asking them and adding each of the levels, Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual at the end of each question. This can support you in creating more balance in your life depending on what’s currently happening in your life.
Once you have answered the last question, “What can I incorporate into my weekly routine this week?” Enter what you decided into your PDA or daily calendar, so you have it written in your schedule, and will see it each day. It's also helpful to make your routine, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and with a Time-frame.
Taking really good care of ourselves is the foundation for living a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. Be flexible with what that means for you so you can find ways that work no matter what shows up in your life. You deserve it!
1 comment:
What a great post! It's so easy to forget about this while we're run around putting out fires, both real and imagined. I'm going to put those questions in my calendar now!
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