Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Affirmations from Louise Hay

From one of our favorite authors, Louise Hay, we share ten affirmations from her book, "Power Thoughts, 365 Daily Affirmations". Feel free to use any of these to inspire the change you want in your life, or edit to make them your own. Enjoy!

I am constantly moving forward in the direction of my goals.

I am gentle and kind with myself as I grow and change

The joy in my life is overflowing. My life gets better all the time.

I look within to find my treasures.

I fill my home with love.

I take full responsibility for every aspect of my life.

I focus on positive thoughts because the thoughts I think and the words I speak create my experiences.

I view all experiences as opportunities for me to learn and grow.

I am empowered and confident.

I love who I am, and reward myself with thoughts of gratitude.

Photo by Margalit Ward

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